ADF#BTune the uke to ADF#B

Reverse the tuning


Change the uke style

Direct link to this chord/scale

Limit the neck from this fret

Limit the neck from this fret

Limit the neck from this fret

Limit the neck from this fret

Limit the neck from this fret

Limit the neck from this fret

Limit the neck from this fret

Limit the neck from this fret

Limit the neck from this fret

Limit the neck from this fret

Limit the neck from this fret

Limit the neck to this fret

Limit the neck to this fret

Limit the neck to this fret

Limit the neck to this fret

Limit the neck to this fret

Limit the neck to this fret

Limit the neck to this fret

Limit the neck to this fret

Limit the neck to this fret

Limit the neck to this fret

Limit the neck to this fret

Limit the neck to this fret

Limit the neck to this fret

Limit the neck to this fret

Limit the neck to this fret
Change the tuning of this string
Change the tuning of this string
Change the tuning of this string
Change the tuning of this string